Why are some people so agressive and angry behind the wheel of a car?
16th June 2010
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I simply don't understand why people get so up tight when driving and become so aggresive they seem to be looking for an actual confrontation. To anyone they cross their behaviour is quite unbelieveable and seems totally irrational.

This morning I was a victim of such behaviour. I was driving along a straight road which had parked cars along the length, probably 200 yards long. There were no breaks big enough to pull in part way along, just the odd parking space which you would have to manoeuvre carefully into by reversing. When I began driving passed the parked cars there were no vehicles in sight so as far as I was concerned it was ok to continue. A little further along, past the parked cars the road widenes briefly giving ample passing room before narrowing between buildings where there is a short section the length of two semi detached cottages giving priority to cars coming towards me, behind this there is a 90 degree bend.  When got nearly to the end of the parked cars, a fast moving vehicle appeared and instead of stopping to let me finish negotiating the final car, he pulled alongside the final vehicle, completely blocking my way and gesturing that I should reverse! Immediately behind him the road was much wider and there was ample space to pull in to let me through comfortably.

He wouldn't reverse the 10 feet necessary to allow us to pass so I had to reverse. I reversed into a small parking space as best I could, leaving a tight but wide enough passing space. I was then amazed that he felt the need for abuse and started to wind down his window when he was alongside.  I simply don't get it. When you come across such unfathomable behaviour it is easy to understand how incidents of road rage occur.

I've no idea what the answer is, perhaps some people are just not suited to driving a car, . I know it would make life far more pleasant if people were simply curteous and thoughtful. and of course rational!

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