The Nonsuch Park Joint Management Committee has voted to launch a 12-month pilot Commercial Dog Walking Licensing Scheme in Nonsuch Park, starting in April 2025, following a consultation with the public and dog walkers.
Maybe you already have cats – maybe it’s your first – or maybe you want to replace a lost feline friend – Epsom & Ewell Cats Protection have lots of animals to re-home – could you help?
On 24 September, Epsom & Ewell Borough Council’s Licensing and Planning Policy Committee approved the Epsom Town Centre Masterplan. The Masterplan sets out clear and comprehensive guidelines for the development of Epsom Town Centre. The Committee also endorsed the Epsom & Ewell Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan that aims to increase walking, wheeling and cycling across the borough. Together, the plans feed into the vision of the borough and form part of the evidence base for the borough’s Draft Local Plan.
We all dread the thought of a fire in our home, the devastation it causes, the loss of personal possessions and most importantly the danger to ourselves and others. Surrey Fire and Rescue Service offer a Safe And Well Visit service designed to help and advise those in the community that need extra care and support
On 10th September, Epsom & Ewell Borough Council hosted a Walk & Talk event at Epsom Downs Racecourse to mark World Suicide Prevention Day. Over 65 people, including residents and representatives from voluntary and statutory organisations, joined this insightful, moving and inspirational event, developed and delivered as part of the council’s Suicide Prevention Action Plan, produced in January 2024.
2023 was a devastating year for Judy Condie from Banstead. She lost her husband Richard after an 8 year battle with cancer, and just 3 months prior to that had lost her Mum and her constant companion her dog.
The Epsom Medical Equipment Fund has been helping Epsom General Hospital buy medical equipment for 45 years has now handed over a much needed and rather special treadmill.
Maybe you already have cats – maybe it’s your first – or maybe you want to replace a lost feline friend – Epsom & Ewell Cats Protection have lots of animals to re-home – could you help?
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