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Business News & Updates

With the country in the grip of the Big R, we hear almost daily of another company making staff redundant, or imposing shorter working weeks.If the company is doing it right, they will not only have their own financial interests at heart, but also those of
So far 2009 is proving to be a difficult for all of us, not least those in the fickle trades of food and entertainment. Lady Luck could be favouring restaurants in March however, with the Explosive Marketing System.This new marketing strategy promises to a
In the Croydon pink
In the Croydon pink
Some of our more regular visitors to The Best Of Croydon will have notice a new 'pink' button on our menu bar. We're very excited about our pinkness, as it leads to our new service giving information about Members Special Offers. Whether they are business-
The R Word and your invoice
The R Word and your invoice
Unless you're a tortoise and only just emerging from your box in the airing cupboard, it cannot have escaped your notice that everyone is talking about The Recession.What that word means to people varies enormously, from tightening the purse strings at hom
Snow stopped play? Many individuals struggled bravely in to work this week, while others stayed at home. Some worked from home, whilst others had no option but to take care of their children as schools closed. Some workplaces were closed due to bad weather
Croydon Business Venture celebrates 25 years of helping small businesses in Croydon.We would like to thank and congratulate Norman Pierce and his team at Croydon Business Venture for the invaluable service they have provided to local companies in the last
RECESSION is a reality: if it hasn't arrived already, it's certainly on its way.The prime minister says so, as does the governor of The Bank of England. And it's likely to be with us for a year or two - so what can we do about it?Even the most pessimistic
It has been six months since the introduction of the Corporate Manslaughter and Corporate Homicide Act 2007. Let me recap on the key elements of the legislation and its effect of businesses. Organisations are now, for the first time, at risk from prosecuti
THE INTRICACIES of the present economic maelstrom are quite beyond me.But I do have the uncomfortable feeling that unless we're all very careful we're about to be sacrificed on the altar of big money.If I understand the rescue proposals correctly, the bank
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