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Seasonal Warnings are here again - By Irenicon, the Employment Law SpecialistsEvery year, we hear the seasonal news story about how employers are cutting back on Christmas parties, and employment lawyers remind everyone of the legal dangers involved in get
Croydon Business Venture celebrates 25 years of helping small businesses in Croydon.We would like to thank and congratulate Norman Pierce and his team at Croydon Business Venture for the invaluable service they have provided to local companies in the last
What a week it has been already!First of all - a new President for America. I do like him very much and I think he brings lots of hopes not only to the American people but to the rest of us too. Not that he will solve the 2 wars America is involved in or t
Make the train take the strain by David CallamNETWORK Rail is to receive £27 billion over the next five years to improve the efficiency of our train services.Among other major projects, the money includes an allocation to complete work on the Thameslink se
RECESSION is a reality: if it hasn't arrived already, it's certainly on its way.The prime minister says so, as does the governor of The Bank of England. And it's likely to be with us for a year or two - so what can we do about it?Even the most pessimistic
SOME British town centres resemble outpost of the Wild West on a Saturday night: that's the conclusion of a new report from the Police Federation.While the report doesn't name names, it talks about the unintended consequences of round-the-clock drinking an
NEWSPAPER production is still a fascinating topic for many outside the trade, despite the increasing dominance of digital media.Even young people are more enthusiastic about developing a printed product than an immediate but less tangible web-site.Personal
It has been six months since the introduction of the Corporate Manslaughter and Corporate Homicide Act 2007. Let me recap on the key elements of the legislation and its effect of businesses. Organisations are now, for the first time, at risk from prosecuti
THE INTRICACIES of the present economic maelstrom are quite beyond me.But I do have the uncomfortable feeling that unless we're all very careful we're about to be sacrificed on the altar of big money.If I understand the rescue proposals correctly, the bank
FELLOW Croydon travellers: have you heard the good news. The dead hand of monopoly is about to be lifted from the throat of Gatwick Airport.BAA, a former government regulator, privatised as a virtual monopoly, has decided to jump before the Competition Com
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