No Cost Low Cost Marketing in Coventry
5th July 2009
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It’s not what you know! - It’s not who you know! - It’s who knows YOU!

Low Cost – No Cost Marketing
For Coventry Businesses

Many of us would have heard of the saying “it’s not what you know it’s who you know”. The saying implies that if you know the right people this leads to success in business. In short, businesses still believe that if they are not a member of an exclusive “old boys” club that have “funny handshakes” or they don’t wear the “old school tie” they are at a distinct disadvantage and their business is less likely to succeed as they don’t have the “right connections”.

“Times have changed my friends!”
“It’s not what you know! It’s not who you know!
It’s who knows YOU!”

Now I’m not saying you don’t need to be in the know, I’m not saying you don’t need to know the “right people” what I am saying is, that it is far more important that people know you!

So the big question is who knows you?

If you own a business in Coventry what would make me or indeed anybody else think about you? 

You would be amazed by how many people you know well, including friends and your extended family who would not automatically think about you!

Keeping in contact is the key!

Businesses today constantly need to be doing more to stay in the “minds” of their existing and potential customers, friends and family by constantly keeping in contact! The good news is that this doesn’t have to be expensive; it’s not all about spending heaps of money on advertising. Clearly all businesses in Coventry need a marketing budget, but before you spend a single penny on advertising you need to make sure you are doing low cost - no cost marketing first and doing it the “right” way!

In the up-coming weeks thebestof Coventry will be posting blogs about “No cost – Low cost marketing in Coventry” and discussing the most effective ways of keeping your business in the “front” of your customers and contacts minds.

We would like to know what low cost – no cost marketing you are doing, what you have done and what has or has not worked for you. So get in touch and share your marketing experiences with businesses in Coventry. All tips or ideas received will be credited to the author with a link to their business / blog etc.

 If you have any questions on low cost no cost marketing get in touch or share your thoughts below ♦.

About the Author


Member since: 11th February 2010

Paul Jones "The Coventry Kid who Did" For Internet Marketing in Coventry, Business Positioning, Permission Marketing, A.C.C. Marketing, Networking, Word of Mouth Business and Blogs about Coventry!!

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