First Aid Answers - Basic First Aid Advice Coventry First Aid Questions and Answers
25th August 2009
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First Aid 4 ANSWERS


First4ANSWERS - First Aid Advice Coventry

Basic First Aid Advice Blog From First4Aid Coventry


Have you ever wondered if you should give ill people a ‘hot toddy’, or if squeezing lemon onto a wound will help or harm a person?

First4Answers is simple, you write in with a first aid question and we will reply with the answer- who says that you need to go on a course to find out what you need to know!!

Q) Is it true that you should lay a pregnant person on one specific side of their body as you could otherwise ham their baby?

A) The hepatic vein that supplies blood to the baby and around the body lies on the right hand side of the body. Whilst no complications have been medically publicised, it is preferred to lay a pregnant lady on her left hand side, simply to avoid any possible complications.


Q) Why do people go cold and sweaty when they are in shock? Don’t people sweat when they are hot?

A) When you are in shock your body tries to look after it’s vital organs such as the brain, heart and kidneys. To make these organs a priority, the body shrinks the blood vessels going to other organs (like the gut and skin). This reduction in blood makes you feel cold and sweaty to touch.


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First Aid Training Courses in Coventry, West Midlands

For a full list of all available up-coming First Aid Training Courses in Coventry and the West Midlands contact First4Aid - HERE!

If you would like to learn more about how to deal with First Aid incidents, or would like to gain a formal First Aid qualification, visit

If you have a question or would like a First Aid topic to be featured in our next Basic First Aid Blog just drop First4Aid an email - HERE!

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About the Author

Becki C

Member since: 19th September 2011

Hi, I'm Becki From First4Aid. I have dealt with some wierd and wonderful first aid incidents so you will be in good hands if you come on one of our First Aid Training Courses in Coventry or the West Midlands!

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