Coventry Based BB Recording Studios Oswald "Flying to the Ground" Remix Out Soon!
29th January 2010
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BB Pro HD Recording Studios in Coventry

BB Recording Studio "Flying to the Ground" Oswald Remix out February 22nd 2010



In December Coventry's Born in a Barn Studio entered a national competition online run by Scottish indie/rock band Oswald and after plenty of hard voting form the Coventry crowd & friends of the studio, finished in 1st place, beating entries from literally across the globe - a remarkable feat!

The bands management team judged the entries and made decisions on who should be the ultimate winner then picked entries to go on a special remix download, which will be released and marketed alongside their own main release of the single 'Flying to the Ground' on Feb 22nd 2010.

There are 5 remixes on the release and these can be seen/snippets played on their site now by following this link:

Oswald Remix Launch Previews

Their single is getting great press (from the news on the main Oswald site) and the band are certainly pipped to be breaking from Scotland into the mainstream this year with fantastic backing.

You will most likely have to buy their single to get access to the special download but this is not confirmed.

Thanks again for voting.

I will keep everyone updated on the release and hope many will buy the single, to help Oswald the band mainly, which could benefit the studio and may increase local interest in Coventry's music scene.

To Contact BB Pro HD Recording Studios in Coventry CLICK HERE!



About the Author

Roger G

Member since: 1st June 2011

Married with baby daughter and loving life.

Hobbies include scuba diving, walking/camping, visiting places that are weird around the world whilst eating as much lush food as can be found there.

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