Parkway Telecom hosts BlackBerry PlayBook launch
17th June 2011
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More than 130 business people from the region attended a recent Chester launch of mobile phone manufacturer BlackBerry’s new tablet PC.

The breakfast event was hosted by business telecommunications company Parkway Telecom at Chester Football Club.

During the morning Ian Wilkins, head of BlackBerry UK, demonstrated the PlayBook which is scheduled to launch in the UK on June 16.

Paul Maddocks, Parkway Telecoms’ group managing director, said: “This launch follows our philosophy of finding world-class solutions and delivering them to the local business community. We have already taken pre-orders pending launch, and I am sure the PlayBook will be a great success.”

After the formal event, guests were invited onto the football pitch with a Chester FC match ball to have a friendly kick-about and penalty competition.

During the event Parkway Telecom highlighted its on-going support for Flintshire Business Week, the company has become headline sponsor for the event’s magazine.

Paul said: “We have supported Flintshire Business Week since it began. Now in its fifth year, we are delighted to continue our support.”

For more information contact Parkway Telecom: 01244-687687.


Below: Paul Maddocks, Stephen Mosley, MP, Lord Barry Jones

About the Author

Paul D

Member since: 10th July 2012

Chester word of mouth specialist, promotes and markets the best businesses in Chester. Passionately supporting local businesses, organisations and events.

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