It's just over a month now until Celebrate Cheshire, a free, 2-day event at the Chester Racecourse (16th & 17th September) to showcase everything that's great about Cheshire.
The first day, aimed at businesses, encompasses a business conference and an extensive programme of seminars.
The second day of Celebrate Cheshire is where the fun begins! Here's a list of everything that's going on at the Chester Racecourse on Saturday 17th September;
• Inflatable Planetarium which is brought to us by Jodrell Bank
• Celebrity Chef, Cook Off Kitchen
• Have a go Sports Arena with demonstrations from Cheshire Jets and Warrington Wolves.
• Meet the rising stars of the Olympics & Paralympians
• Heart FM – The radio station will operate a "Chill Out" area and will run a "Grab a Grand" competition within their funky wind tunnel.
• Annual Kite Festival and Fairground
• Have your photo taken with the FA cup & Paul Lake (ex-captain of Manchester City).
• A series of vehicles will be on show including a Vintage Steam Fire Engine, Inflatable Fire Engine, Pochin high reach truck and test drives can be won with Bentley and the new MG6.
• Taste of Cheshire Marquee, with up to 20 speciality food producers from Cheshire purveying their wonderful produce.
• Parade of the Giants and Mascot race - who will your money be on?
With all this fun going on, make sure you don't miss out! Visit for more information.
If you would like more details call 01244 405608
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