With effect from the 1st October National Minimum wage rates will increase to the following hourly rates:
· Standard adult rate for workers aged over 21 - £5.93 (up from £5.80)
· Workers aged between 18 and 20 - £4.92 (up from £4.83)
· Young workers rate for those aged under 18 but not apprentices - £3.64 (up from £3.57)
· Apprentices aged under 19 or who are in the first year of their apprenticeship - £2.50 (there was previously no entitlement for apprenticeships under 19 or over 19 and in the first year of their apprenticeships).
Nicola is a Legal Assistant in the Employment Law Team at Hillyer McKeown LLP. If you would like to contact Nicola please email her at nicola.cuggy@law.uk.com
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