One of DTM Legal LLP’s founding Partners Julie Mogan has been appointed as Chairman of the Chester Business Club, the first woman to hold this position.
Chester Business Club was established in the 1980s and has since grown to become one of the most dynamic organizations in the North-West, with around 200 members. As well as representing the business interests of its members, the Club holds guest speaker evenings, supports various local charities and regularly holds business networking events.
Julie’s work with the Chester Business Club will involve representing the members, as well as raising the Club’s profile and supporting activities that promote business growth in the City of Chester and the surrounding area.
Julie Mogan comments; “Chester is a great place to live and work and the Business Club wants to see the City at the forefront of the region’s economic recovery. I’m delighted to take on the role of Chairman and look forward to helping local businesses forge strong working networks, plus encouraging education and entrepreneurship amongst the younger generation.”
Those interested in finding out more about the Chester Business Club can do so by emailing
For more information, contact:
Louis Hill, Source PR
01270 781 315
07788 928 191
Chester word of mouth specialist, promotes and markets the best businesses in Chester. Passionately supporting local businesses, organisations and events.
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