Chris Chan's weekly tip to enhance your personal health
5th October 2011
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Majority of us dream of a washboard abs! But still most people don’t know how this can be achieved. There are so many false messages still circulating around from magazines, TV and so on. Here are some tips you need to know to achieve your washboard abs.

Can sit-ups burn fat off my stomach – No! This simply doesn’t happen. Still, these so called experts continue to fill the airwaves with this false message. It’s simply not true. If it were, there’d be a lot of people with six packs because millions of people doing their 1000 plus sit ups or crunches a day, and have more of a washtub than washboard to show for it. So give that up immediately and focus on other exercises that activate the core for example the plank. 

What else can I do to achieve a washboard abs– Nutrition! It’s so important that you eat the right foods to achieve your perfect abs.  The best way to burn fat quickly is to have a high protein and fat diet. When I say fat I mean from meats, which are healthy fats and oily fish, which contains omega 3 to help burn fat a lot quicker. With this in mind you need to remove all starchy carbohydrates intake so rice, pasta, potatoes, cereal are out of the question. Replace them with green vegetables now, and you would see a huge difference immediately. You feel less bloated from all the starchy carbohydrates. 

Chris Chan is the Founder and Owner of CC Personal Training. To contact Chris on this subject or how he can help you email or visit our website


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Paul D

Member since: 10th July 2012

Chester word of mouth specialist, promotes and markets the best businesses in Chester. Passionately supporting local businesses, organisations and events.

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