Jeremy Vine was talking on his Radio 2 programme last Wednesday about the moth problem in the UK. It was very interesting to hear his callers' comments and it struck me just how little the public understands about moth damage.
One expert said that there are 2,500 moths species in the country & that only 5 of them do damage to clothes and carpets. That may be true, but those 5 are doing untold damage to millions of pounds worth of garments & carpets across the UK and especially around the Bury area. Bury St Edmunds is a red zone area for moth infestation at present and we understand from the radio discussion that there is going to be an onslaught on moths this autumn.
Many people are not aware that dry cleaning is one way of dealing with moths & that storing garments in PEVA garment covers is another solution. PEVA is a man made material and Moths only eat natural fibres so it makes sense to have a protective barrier against the moths.
At Farthings dry cleaners we sell a range of moth repellents and clothes' protectors to suit every type of requirement, whether it is PEVA covers for your hanging suits, coats and dresses or repellents for your precious cashmere knitwear in your chest of drawers! We stock the best selling range of Acana Moth Killers that really work and don't give your clothes that distinct "mothball" smell that does not blend well with your Chanel No. 5 or Gucci aftershave!
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