Miriam's first Blog
23rd July 2009
... Comments

Hello there dear friends of the Best of Bury St Edmunds and fellow bloggers.


This is so new for me.

Maybe you won't believe me but whilst I own a webdirectory, I must be the most  non techy person in the universe.

I have a fab tech team at our headoffice, but the idea of handling my own blog, has just been a dread and officially declares me to be a technophobe.

However, never 'stay still or live in the past', said my granddad when Mr Armstrong took his first steps on the moon 40 years ago.

So not only am I getting my head around blogging, but have also tried to understand 'facebook', 'twitter' AND got myself a 'Blackberry'.

Check me out!

So here I am at SK Clinik on Northgate, having a pedicure and taking advantage of their 1st birthday party special offer,which is 20% off everything, treatments and products.

They just brought me a glass of fizz and a cup birthday cake and I am in heaven. So come and make an appointment, the offer stands till the end of the month.

Going for a business lunch at The Grid tomorrow, will tell you all about it.



About the Author

Miriam W

Member since: 10th July 2012

hello there, I am the owner of the Best of Bury St Edmunds and my aim is to keep all local people informed about the better businesses in our lovely town and make sure the businesses on this directory...

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