Our Coffee Mornings are really rocking.... last Tuesday, 23rd March we held another Market Place, where some of the Best show their wares and sell their products.
There were cakes , jewellery, mini manicures and the star of the show must have been Gavin owner of Gavin Ashley's his and hers Salon in Churchgate street.
Not many local businessmen have survived and continued to be at the top of their game more successfully than Gavin Downes.
Gavin’s salon, Gavin Ashley in Churchgate Street, Bury St Edmunds opened it doors in 1978 and is not only one of the most well- established local hairdressers but still one of the most successful. As a respected local figure within the industry Gavin puts this down to maintaining constantly high standards, continual staff training and offering excellent customer service. He also believes in constantly evolving and moving with the times.
A life-long interest in male grooming has now lead Gavin to acquire specialist skills in the art of Italian Wet Shaving. Inspired by an ex-employee Joseph Lanzante, who had set himself up as a trainer in wet shaving and developing a range of products to support it, Gavin became hooked and is now eager to pass on his enthusiasm and newly-acquired expertise. Curently operating within his Salon but looking to set up his own training school, he is keen to teach anyone interested in learning the art, not just barbers, hairdressers and beauty therapists but anyone with a steady hand and the confidence to do it.
Said Gavin “ It is so rewarding to give someone a proper wet shave and the results are amazing, it leaves the skin looking vibrant, fresher and younger ”
“ First the skin is exfoliated to get rid of dead cells and a hot towel is applied to the face which softens and prepares for shaving. Italian shaving cream is then worked well into the skin with a brush and then its timeto use a cut-throat razor to achieve the closet shave imaginable. A bracing cold towel closes the pores, followed by a massage and lotions to complete the whole shaving experience. The whole face is left feeling super smooth and comfortable. “
Hot towel shaves are available at Gavin Ashely for £15.00 and are a great gift idea aswell as essential for grooms to be, or to feel extra special for an occasion.
Gavin Ashley are actively supporting the HAIRraising appeal, helping the industry to raise £1 million to provide new operating theatres for Gt Ormond Street Hospital for children. Clients can add a donation to their bill or make a donation via www.gosh.org/hair-raising.
For further information please contact Gavin Ashley, 28 Churchgate Street, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk IP33 1RG. Tel: 01284 754066 or email gavin.ashley@virgin.net
hello there, I am the owner of the Best of Bury St Edmunds and my aim is to keep all local people informed about the better businesses in our lovely town and make sure the businesses on this directory...
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