Your Business in 60 Seconds - Final Instalment
21st May 2010
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During the last couple of weeks I explained that as a Director of Aire Serv one of my responsibilities is to meet regularly with local business owners and look at ways in which we can provide mutual support. During the meetings, we are each given 60 seconds (yes only 60 seconds) to summarise our business and specify what we are looking for. In the article on 2nd May ( I outlined how the team at Aire Serv identified the key features that should be brought out in the 60 seconds. In the second article on 14th May ( we considered the anatomy of the 60 second statement and the most effective structure. Below is the most recent 60 second statement and I am pleased to say that I have already had several good quality referrals as a result.



"My name is Prashant Bhovan from Aire Serv.


Aire Serv provide comfort and energy saving solutions to the commercial and domestic market, employing the latest in air conditioning, ventilation and commercial refrigeration  technology, using only the highest quality equipment.


Why us?


  • Our solutions are tailored to our customers’ needs and take into account the availability of available tax reliefs and interest free funding from the Carbon Trust.


  • We provide a 24/7 service and full UK coverage


  • We have extensive technical experience


  • We offer our customers a clear pricing structure.


So when you refer Aire Serv you can be confident that we’ll provide a unique approach and an exceptional service.


This week I am looking for an introduction to the managing directors of local businesses that supply and install conservatories.


Remember Aire Serv - we get you in your comfort zone!


Thank you"


If you are an ambitious local business owner proud of the service you provide and would like to continue growing your business, why not visit us – see for further information.

About the Author

Prashant B

Member since: 23rd August 2010

Prashant is a Director of Aire Serv, a leading international air conditioning, ventilation, heating and commercial refrigeration business, and is responsible for the NW London region.

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