Some simple precautions you can follow to help you identify spam e-mails
13th October 2009
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Some simple precautions you can follow to help you identify spam e-mails are...

Always keep your virus scanning and firewall software up to date.

If you receive an un-solicited e-mail ...

  • asking you to disclose any personal/confidential information such as bank account details, passwords, date of birth etc,
  • advising of something you would expect to receive notification of via the normal postal system such as a tax statement,
  • including a downloadable .exe file,
  • including a link to a suspicious or unknown website,
  • not containing any verifiable contact information

...then it's probably spam. Simply delete it.

If you are in any doubt contact the e-mail sender (using a verified telephone number) to check if the e-mail is legitimate.

For any secure sites you use (such as on-line banking) always manually navigate to the site yourself - never access a secure site using a link provided in an e-mail. Always use a known telephone number when contacting the e-mail originator.

Finally, I strongly recommend that you run the latest versions of web browsers. These are MS Internet Explorer 8 and Mozilla Firefox 3. You should avoid using older browser versions as they are not as secure and are prone to security attacks.

About the Author

Kesh M

Member since: 30th July 2011

Locally known as the best connected person in NW London. Kesh is an Advocate of the best local businesses and recommends who are highly regarded by their clients. He also is having the time of his life...

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