David Berkoff at The Business Club launches his own blogging site!
29th July 2010
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David Berkoff has grown his brand through The Business Club North London and met so many contacts he is now embracing social media to the extent that he is launching his very own blogging site! :

"With the cyber world at my finger tips, I have a dream of creating the most wonderful blog site ever."

My vision was to create a site where consumers can tell us what they think of Advertising and Design issues. Specifically, famous TV commercials and well known logo designs.

The idea developed when I thought of a name and logo design for the site. The name being “Blogo’s, Design and Advertising.”

The next stage was to research. So I set a question on Linkedin asking “What makes a good blog site and show me examples”. I had responses from all four corners of the world and this was hugely informative.

Once I was clear on what makes a good blog site, I then called on expertise from my copywriter, Stephen Barnard of the Write Line. Stephen work with me on the content and copywriting side and his background as copy head for the Readers Digest was invaluable.

I then wanted an objective opinion on the concept and advice on how best to structure the site. It was through Thornton Holmes at the Business Club North London who introduced me to Kush Shukla of Aviva. And 3 hours spent with Kush helped me to formulate ideas for the content and strategy to launch the blog site. He was thought provoking and rightly challenged me on where and how to proceed in a logical and structured way.

Having established the content, it was time to design and build the site. Adrian Kinloch my web designer and programmer based in New York recommended and set me up with Word Press. But it was another Business Club contact Suraj Shah who gave me training and helped me build the site. Suraj is currently helping with the voting programming, final design tweaks and emarketing strategies prior to launch.

So, from a dream to reality I am now almost ready to launch the site to the world and await your votes and comments. 

I will be updating the site regularly with new voting polls and comments, so why not go now to :


to see how the site is progressing and what all the fuss is about!

With special thanks to and links to:

Aviva www.arivu.co.uk
  Adrian Kinloch www.conceptmechanics.com
  Suraj Shah www.surajshah.com

Stephen Barnard www.write-line.co.uk
 Thornton Holmes www.businessnetworklondon.co.uk 

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