Update on first Global March for Elephants & Rhinos in Birmingham
30th May 2019
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Around 300 activists took the streets for the 2nd city’s first animal rights march on Saturday. 

The march which had been arranged and agreed with Birmingham City Council and West Midlands police was billed as a celebration for how far veganism has come in recent years. 

Every single activist played their part in putting Birmingham firmly on the AR map. 

It was a fantastic atmosphere as activists looped the main pedestrian area twice with the public being extremely receptive to the message being conveyed. 

There were passionate speeches from 5 very well respected activists either side of the march. 

There were some amazing, original placards and banners, with flags being held high with activists chanting passionately in a jovial atmosphere. 

There were vegan flags, Animal Liberation, Sea Shephard, Hunt Sabs all represented. 

Some of placards read :

Be smart go vegan. 

Veganism isn’t about us it’s about them. 

Peace, love, veganism. 

Animal agriculture is killing the planet. 

We are the generation that ends animal exploitation. 

Veganism is not a sacrifice it’s a joy. 

I should be milking my oats. 


And one asking the public to watch animal rights films/documentaries Cowspiracy, True Cost and Dominion. 


Activists from all ages and different walks of life traveled in from all over the country to join local activists in a show of strength to be the voice of the billions of animals and trillions of marine life that are abused and murdered each year. 

Thousands of leaflets were handed out to the public during the march which lasted just over an hour. 

There was talks from Animal Liberation Front founder Ronnie Lee, PeTA social media influencer and activist Cath Kendall among others.

Also a Animal Rights Information Stall organised jointly by wolverhampton and Walsall Vegans

All in all the march was a great success with a promise that next years will be bigger and better. 

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