Businesses across the West Midlands have been urged to help future-proof their operations – and save money - by backing this month’s National Apprenticeship Week.
The charitable arm of a leading Midlands family business has announced a £3 million commitment to help raise the aspirations of disadvantaged young people in Birmingham.
British athlete and TV personality Karenjeet Kaur Bains, commonly known as Athena from the hit BBC series Gladiators, spoke of how she is inspiring a new generation of female athletes during an event held yesterday.
Let’s start with the concept of perfect health and wellbeing and how stress wears that down over a lifetime. Our bodies have to cope daily with multiple internal and external variables that either contribute to or erode health and wellbeing.
Negative thinking habits can start in childhood, occur after a setback in life or they can be inherited from someone close in our lives. Years of negative thinking habits can spiral into a crisis at some point.
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