Birmingham`s Lord Mayor Supports Southside BID`s Wuhan Relief
17th February 2020
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Southside Business Improvement District in Birmingham has joined forces with the Lord Mayor of Birmingham to support Birmingham`s Chinese community.  On 10th February an incredible £33,255 was raised at the Birmingham Conference & Events Centre to support the people of Wuhan affected by the deadly corona virus.  The Chung Ying Restaurant group provided food for free and Birmingham Conference & Events Centre very kindly waived the room hire.   The Chinese community and companies in Birmingham have already sent in excess of £100,000 of masks and gowns to Wuhan.  The £33,255 raised at the Birmingham Conference and Events Centre will be used to buy essential medical supplies.       "The people of Birmingham have a longstanding friendship with China encouraged by our Sister City relationships with Changchun, Guangzhou and Nanjing" explained Councillor Mohammed Azim, Lord Mayor of Birmingham (pictured with James B Wong of the Chung Ying Restaurant Group & Chairman of Southside BID Ltd and Julia Robinson, Southside BID Manager).     I have already hosted several delegations visiting from China and feel that it is really important to be able to share our experiences and build greater cultural understanding".     The Birmingham Chinese community came together because Wuhan is in desperate need of essential supplies.  Birmingham`s Chinese community are in constant dialogue with the Chinese Embassy.  They hope to cut the red tape and deliver directly to the front-line hospitals in Hubai Province.     Birmingham`s Chinese community also hope to educate the public regarding this virus and hope to quash any fake information that is in the public domain especially on social media.       "Wuhan Jiayou!  China Jiayou!" said James B Wong, Chairman of Southside BID Ltd and General Manager of the Chung Ying Restaurant Group -  or - in the English language ""Stay Strong Wuhan!  Stay Strong China!"


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