B-SIDE Hip-Hop Festival is back for its ninth year showcasing the very best Hip-Hop talent from across the pillars of Hip-Hop including Breakin’, Graffiti, DJing and MCing. The four-day festival will take place across Birmingham Hippodrome, Southside and Bullring & Grand Central.
Chris Sudworth, Creative Director at Birmingham Hippodrome said: "We’re excited by the line-up for B-SIDE 2024, across the elements of Hip-Hop. Once again hip hop will take over the block around and inside the Hippodrome from Thursday to Saturday, with the finals at Bullring on Sunday to close the weekend. In addition to fantastic free content from firm favourites Break Mission, Queer-Side, Afroflux and High Vis Festival, we’re delighted to add Edinburgh hit Hip-Hop theatre piece TONES to the mix in the Patrick Studio, adding another layer to this vibrant and vital city festival.”
The festival kicks off on Thursday 6 June with a Young Community Takeover event, which focuses on unlocking young people’s creativity through Hip-Hop workshops, as well as a showing of Gerel Falconer’s production, TONES which also takes place on Friday 7 June, alongside an advanced & intermediate level dance workshop programme.
On Saturday 8 June the festival explodes onto the streets of Southside and inside Birmingham Hippodrome with dance competition qualifiers, a music block party, Graffiti Jam, Afroflux marketplace, workshops, talks and much more. Break Mission Worldwide and Queer-Side Dance Championships culminate on the Sunday with the Finals taking place in the Bullring, featuring some of the very best contemporary Hip-Hop talents from across the UK and internationally.
The full B-SIDE Hip-Hop Festival 2024 programme will be announced in May.
B-SIDE Hip-Hop Festival is produced by Birmingham Hippodrome with Break Mission, Queer-Side, Afroflux & High Vis Festival. The festival is in partnership with Bullring & Grand Central and supported by Red Bull, Southside District and The Arcadian.
Presenter Black Country Radio & Black Country Xtra
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