One of our clients has a best selling book
20th April 2009
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One of our clients, Lynn Serafinn of Create-A-Life has just launched her new book The Garden of the Soul: lessons from four flowers that unearth the Self.

As at 7 April 2009, The Garden of the Soul had ALREADY REACHED THE BEST SELLER LIST, hitting as high as #22 in one category!

The book is on the same list as authors like the Dalai Lama, Rhonda Byrne, Deepak Chopra and Paul McKenna, and it is actually AHEAD of some titles by Doreen Virtue, Abraham (Esther Hicks), Neale Donald Walsch and Eckhart Tolle!

The Garden of the Soul: lessons from four flowers that unearth the Self is a book about becoming whole
It is a journey on the path of least resistance to the Self through the imagery of four flowers that represent four spiritual principles: Give (the Rose), Receive (the Iris), Become (the Daffodil) and Be (the Lily). It explores birth, death, love, art, spirituality and transformation in an eloquent, poetic and (I hope) unforgettable way. It is an open invitation to readers to explore how they are already the heroes of their own lives. Reviewers have called it "enlightening", "wonderful", "as spiritual as Deepak Chopra", and "as magical as Paulo Coelho."

Congratulations to Lynn - Well done!

About the Author

Tom H

Member since: 27th February 2011

Hi I'm Tom and I run thebestofbedford blog. I'm married to Nicky and we have 4 children, as well as cats, rabbits and several caged rodents. I spend my time championing the best local businesses in the...

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