News & Updates
Annoyances and Irritations News & Updates

City of Wolverhampton Council has caught and fined more ‘thoughtless’ fly tippers who dumped rubbish including a mattress, bagged waste and sofas.
‘Thoughtless’ fly tippers who dumped rubbish including a mattress, bagged waste and sofas have been caught and fined by City of Wolverhampton Council.
Suspected fly tippers who ignore council investigations are being warned they need to comply with officers following a successful prosecution.
Council security measures are being ramped up following the latest overnight theft at Bushbury cemetery last Thursday 11 August which resulted in thieves stealing 27 bronze plaques.
I often get asked by clients whether a text, email or phone call they have received is genuine - particularly where it promises that a tax refund is due.
Are you seeing a lot of litter in Walmley and want to do something about it? Join Walmley Litter Action Group to help.
If you're struggling with stubborn verruca, contact PB Podiatry for their Swift Verruca Treatment!
Tyre Safety Tips!
Tyre Safety Tips!
Tyre safety at your finger tips from Walsall Wood Tyre and Service!
Walsall tips to be opened 7 days a week to combat fly-tipping in the area.
Consumer units also commonly referred to as fuse boxes can potentially save your life. However, a faulty consumer unit can also be responsible for loosing your life too. It definitely will pay you to be aware of the 'current health' of your consumer unit, and how capable it may be of saving your life should a problem develop.
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