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  • Posted by Richard H | 19th October 2018 | ... Comments
A FIVE star lifestyle in hotel-style surroundings in Worcester could be easier to afford in retirement. View post
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Time flies doesn’t it? The summer is a distant memory, refrains of “it’ll be Christmas before we know it” hang in the air, and it’s over three months since the UK elected a new Government, writes Henrietta Brealey.
Time flies doesn’t it? The summer is a distant memory, refrains of “it’ll be Christmas before we know it” hang in the air, and it’s over three months since the UK elected a new Government, writes Henrietta Brealey.
Sutton Coldfield is set to welcome a festive treat as TaleGate Theatre Productions returns with its latest pantomime, Robin Hood, following the resounding success of last year’s Jack and the Beanstalk.
Brand and web agency PLOTT are going for glory in next week’s Midlands Marketing Awards after being nominated for Agency Team of the Year.
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From Survivor To Thriver Local Poet Shares Her Story Of Resilience Prior To The Release Of Her First Poetry Book
From Survivor To Thriver Poet from Great Barr Shares Her Story Of Resilience Prior To The Release Of Her First Poetry Book
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