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Great advice from the RNLI and Richmond Council to help keep you and the family safe this summer if you're in or around the water in our Borough!
Do you have a love of reading and books that you could share with a child in a one to one situation developing self-esteem and self-worth? Why not help a child read today, prevent the from becoming another negative statistic and be rewarded in seeing them develop and grow?
Wimbledon has loads of activities to keep the kids entertained during the holidays; from watching a puppet show at the Polka Theatre to petting the goats at Deen City Farm!
If so, one has been found in Sutton Common Road and handed in to the Police.
There's plenty of entertainment available to keep the children entertained this summer.
It’s all happening down on the Thames at the Richmond Riverside Festival, which is hosting a whole range of events this summer…
This summer holiday, fight boredom with books! The Summer Reading Challenge is back, this time with even more amazing prizes!
Contemporary Wimbledon
Contemporary Wimbledon
Wimbledon, the borough of Merton is a south-western part of London; people who live there have little reason to travel to central London as the village, which still retains its quaintness, like its medieval ancestry, has so much to offer.
There's a new pressure group called Friends of Chipping Barnet High Street (FoCBHS) looking for members ...
Hounslow's Army of Volunteers Recognised at Annual Awards Ceremony
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