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What's on this weekend?
What's on this weekend?
Find something to do from the 5th of February.
What's on in Winch this week?
What's on in Winch this week?
There's plenty to see and do this weekend and throughout the week. From the 29th Jan.
What's on this week?
What's on this week?
Take a peak at what's going on in Winchester from the 22nd of January.
Community First Winchester has just launched a new website to help groups to promote their activities and services locally.
Local Defibrillators (AED)
Local Defibrillators (AED)
Looking for a Defibrillator in the local area? Following a Cardiac Arrest the chance of survival decreases by 23% per minute, without getting your heart going again. It is therefore very important medical treatment starts as soon as possible. The UK Resuscitation Council suggests an AED (Automated external defibrillator) should be available wherever medical treatment is more than 5 minutes away, in practical terms this means the whole of the UK. More locally we have captured locations around Winchester.
Market towns near Winchester
Market towns near Winchester
Winchester has many local attractions, some of the best are just a few miles outside its city walls, its market town's.
Toilets in Winchester
Toilets in Winchester
Here's a list of public toilets in the city of Winchester.
Village toilets
Village toilets
Here's a list of public conveniences in the villages around Winchester
What's on this Christmas?
What's on this Christmas?
Take a look at events going on throughout the Christmas period. There's something for everyone!
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