What makes a web site great?
20th July 2011
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It is perhaps understandable that most of us who visit websites are either impressed or totally turned off by:  A) the design and B) the ease (or otherwise) of navigation round the site.  Very few of us have any idea what goes on “underneath the bonnet” of a website and what enormous difference the talent of the website builder can make to the effectiveness of a new website.  After all, if a site cannot be found in the first place, or does not get on to the first page of the Search Engine results, what good is that?  In these days of mobile devices for viewing web pages and where tens of millions of potential customers are using their iPhone or Android device, it is another reason for making sure when you chose a designer/developer that they know how to make that an easy experience.  Perhaps we all need to know the questions to ask when selecting a web developer before we jump to the cheapest or the nearest.  What goes on “underneath the bonnet”?  Will I be able to update the site on my own with no technical skills? What have you done in the coding to make sure my site has a chance of appearing on the first page?  How will it look or work on a mobile?  CBJ Digital has been building sites now for over 12 years and we know how to tune that website engine. CBJ Digital sites allow you make the changes.  If you know someone who needs a new site, or just a better site, then even if you don’t use our services, let us help you ask the right questions before you make your choice.  There’s no obligation – we’re happy to point you in the right direction. 01923 826661 – Malcolm Iliff (mi@cbjdigital.com) or Claire Gagan will help you.   Get it right first time!

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