Watford Council Cabinet to recommend budget
15th December 2010
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According to Elected Mayor Dorothy Thornhill the previous government rated Watford as one of the most efficient councils in the country but assuming that will now cut little ice Watford Council have been meeting to discuss a wide range of cuts. Their proposals, include

  • reducing executive management posts,
  • reducing the corporate services budget by £320,000,
  • sharing services with other boroughs
  • Reviewing the recycling budget to save £120,500
  • Relocating staff and renting out the ground floor of the Town Hall's annex
  • Reducing street cleaning services everywhere except the town centre,
  • "Improving" the Play Service to save £150,000
  • Ceasing all town twinning activities (hooray!)
  • Outsourcing park ranger services
  • Closing toilets and replacing them with a "community toilet scheme"
  • Reducing the number of sports pitches


  • increasing revenue, which basically means increasing the cost of parking at The Avenue and charging for pest control, replacement recycling bins and increasing burial fees to bring them in line, they say, with the Hertfordshire average. Just when we were thinking at least we can save money getting buried!

Oh yes, and if you were thinking it's time to get out your wellies and gardening gear to start growing your own fruit and vegetables and to help to manage your spiralling food costs, allotment fees are set to increase to £22 per year!

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