Your Blog Posts

Do you think Stacey Solomon will win the XFactor?

Who is your favourite to win XFactor - the big finale is near.

I’ve just had one of the most funniest nights of my life

What a great night out we had in the company of Michael McIntyre at the O2 Arena- he is hilarious.

I'm too scared to have fireworks in my own garden!

Unfortunately my children wont experience having fireworks in their own garden - I am way too scared!

What's wrong with battery operated sparklers?  Bonfire night at Lake Meadows

I want to but I am unable to let my kids have sparklers - fireworks still frighten me even as a 38 year old adult!

I can't have fireworks in my own garden - I'm too scared!

I am 38 and still scared of fireworks so we cannot have them in our garden, we're off to a firework display. Gloucester Park Basildon is a fab one.

No way am I having fireworks in my own garden

We are not having fireworks in our garden, we are going to a professional display in Orsett Showground, Thurrock - I cannot take the worry of having them at home.