Shockwave Therapy to treat your Heel, Plantar Fasciitis and Achilles Tendon Pain!
20th September 2016
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Introduction: Shockwave Therapy at the Foot Doctors Podiatrist in Telford.

Hello, this article discusses the treatment of Shockwave Therapy or ESWT – which is short for Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy. A new and modern, medical treatment offered by your expert MSK- Podiatrist in Telford Shropshire.

I have been specialising in treating Heel pain, Plantar fasciitis, Achilles Tendonosis and Patella tendonitis including Osgood Schlatters disease for many years here in Telford and Shropshire.

Is Shockwave the only treatment that I need to cure me of my pain?

Firstly there is absolutely no “magic wand” in the treatment of foot, ankle and knee injuries. Soft tissue injuries can be extremely painful and rehabilitating, taking a long time to heal, especially without correct treatment. I have patients that have suffered longer term heel and arch pain for years as an example. Generally my treatment is 90% effective in just over 90% of patients. Which compares favourably to the research.

That being said, the reason for a Podiatry or Biomechanical consultation with me is to ascertain a few basic points, namely:

1. The correct and full diagnosis. With Achilles Tendonitis or tendinopathy and similarly with Plantar Fasciocis or Fasciitis, this will include A diagnostic Ultrasound scan and thorough physical examination, combined with a detailed medical history.

2. Identify any compounding or aggravating factors. Simple issues such as footwear advice, activity or sport modification, biomechanical problems and muscle weakness or imbalance. Also Work related foot injuries (occupation related heel and leg pain problems) feature in this section.

3. Provide a realistic course of individual treatment and PROGNOSIS. In other words, I will give you an idea of what is required to get you individually pain free and the level of treatment required. Of course the duration and types of treatment are discussed, along with time scale and the likely Cost of that treatment package.
However, at The Foot Doctors  I find Achilles tendon injuries and plantar heel pain respond incredibly well to shockwave therapy! Injuries that previously were untreatable and would take 12 – 18 months to settle a little, are cure in 6-8 weeks. The success rate of treating heel pain conservatively without steroid injections, here in Telford podiatry runs currently at 83% within 8 weeks. A further 5% are pain free and restored to full mobility within 12 weeks. The remaining patients in general gain a significant 60% reduction in pain relief. Over the years, as I always to be expected with medical complaints some patients progress to Steroid injections, PRP treatment or surgery. But thankfully the number is limited to a few cases each year!

What is Shockwave Therapy?

The application of High Intensity Pressure Waves through the soft tissue, by a controlled medical device. Below is a quick picture of one of my Shockwave Therapy Machines in the Telford Podiatry Office.

Shock Waves are movements of extremely high pressure caused by, for example, an explosion, an earthquake or a plane breaking the sound barrier.

Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy (ESWT) is the application of Shock Waves in medicine.

It is clinically proven that pressure waves, when applied to injured tissues, stimulate metabolic reactions, it is this reason that leads to the body healing very quickly.

Does Shockwave Therapy Work?

Yes Shockwave therapy works very well for heel pain, arch pain, Achilles tendon injuries. In fact most soft tissue injuries and ligament damage can drastically benefit from Shock Wave Therapy, either as a course of 3-7 treatments or as part of a whole treatment process.

So if you are wondering, can my sports injury, long term heel pain or Osgood Schlatters be helped, call my Telford Podiatry Office today for all of your families Leg, Knee and Foot Treatment.

We regularly receive professional athletes, good friends and referrals from the West Midlands, Shropshire and Hereford for Cost effective Shockwave Treatment and Custom Orthotics.

With over 7 years experience in using Shockwave therapy machines, i am pleased to have been offering this Podiatry service to the local residents of Telford and Newport Shropshire for the past few years. I doubt that my experience is matched locally or indeed further afield. 


Remember that we treat all Chiropody and Podiatry Conditions of the Feet, Ankles, Legs and Knees here in a professionally equiped Telford location!

“Handle with care, we only have one pair”
01952 677 063
Steven Dowdeswell BSc (Hons) Podiatric Medicine – Musculo-Skeletal Podiatrist

About the Author

Steven D

Member since: 28th September 2012

Mr Steven Dowdeswell Bsc (Hons) Podiatric Medicine

Is a Telford, Shrewsbury and West Midlands based Consulting Podiatrist and Chiropodist.

My Office has the latest Orthotic Scanning equipment along...

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