Mrs Mopp Cleaning in Telford offers 'top tips' for Spring Cleaning
10th April 2012
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The annual spring clean is a big job and one that requires some planning (and roping in of the kids/spouse) to ensure that all areas within your home are cleaned thoroughly but also to prevent you being trapped in your house for days on end deliriously scrubbing! It is best to separate your home into rooms and tackle one room at a time or divide your home into areas and tackle one area a weekend... whatever works best for the time you have available and the size of your home.

Do not try to do it all at once unless you have recruited manpower as it won’t work and it will just leave you feeling unsatisfied and de-motivated.
Before you throw yourself into your spring clean with wild abandon (I know you are rearing to go) take a look at our handy mini guide for the top 5 tips to achieving a professional spring clean with your own fair hands...

1) The first rule of the spring clean is to DECLUTTER. Now is the time to go through your wardrobe, drawers, toy boxes, kitchen cupboards and junk areas to get rid of things you don’t want or need anymore. Get 3 boxes and label them skip, sell and share... throw away items that are no use to anyone (you do not need those 5 Tupperware pots with no lids or that broken set of scales!), sell items on EBay/Preloved/Facebook sites etc. or give to your local charity shop to help others

2) Get together all the materials you will need, so that you’re not tempted to use the lack of a duster as excuse to stop the clean
a. Black bin liners and peddle bin liners
b. Sponges with green scouring tops, Jay cloths, Microfiber cloths
c. Dusting cloths, cobweb brush/feather duster
d. Multi surface cleaner – for floors, walls, doors and paintwork
e. Limescale cleaner – for showers, baths, tiles, chrome and sinks
f. Bleach for toilets and hard to move marks on paintwork and doors
g. Polish
h. Or alternative cleaning agents such as white vinegar and baking powder

3) ALWAYS start from the top of a room and work down and always work your way towards the door – Use the following order: cobwebs, door frames, walls, dusting, skirting boards, vacuum/mop and out

4) When cleaning windows, washing up liquid in a bowl or good old fashioned white vinegar will do the job better than most over the counter glass cleaning products. Wash the windows with a soft cloth and then dry and buff up with a microfiber cloth or with scrunched up newspaper to see your glass sparkle

5) Pick your favourite singing into a hairbrush or playing air guitar music, anything that makes you dance and boogie – turn it up loud, pull on the marigolds, pick your first room and ATTACK!

Read more about Mrs Mopp Cleaning in Telford - click here

For a limited period, 'bestof' members can SAVE 15% on a professional Spring Clean by Mrs Mopp - for details click here

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Mark Luckman

Member since: 10th July 2012

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