Learn how to do your own PR and book your place on a DIY PR training course in Telford.
17th December 2012
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A Shropshire training course is expected to be fully booked next month as business owners across the country put DIY PR on their New Year resolution list.

The next DIY PR Course hosted by county firm J&PR Ltd will be held at the e-Innovation Centre on the Wolverhampton University Priorslee campus on January 15th from 9.30pm to 1.30pm.

The popular course teaches delegates who do not have the funds to work with a PR company or employ an in-house team the basics of doing PR themselves.

And the results can be seen splashed across the pages of regional print media and magazines.

Kirsty Smallman, who will run the January course, said: “A delegate posted a link to some of her coverage on our Facebook page on December 12 and it was really fantastic to see that she had received a front page story and a linked inside page six piece in the Shropshire Star using the skills she had learnt on a course with us in July.

“Another delegate from our November course recently dropped us an email to say she had written a press release and requested a photograph from the local media and was just getting ready after they rang to arrange a time to visit her.

“And one of our earliest delegates continues to show off her PR skills with continuous features in magazines.

“For those sole-traders and smaller businesses who have the time to do their own PR it can help to build the business to a level where they can delegate the task to a PR company, who can then really spread their word.”

Places are limited and anyone wishing to book onto the January course should contact Jane Shaw, J&PR Ltd training co-ordinator, on jane@jsbusinessadmin.co.uk or 07967 191243.

For more information about the courses visit www.jandpr.com


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