Days Out And Attractions in Taunton and Bridgwater

Find the best Days Out And Attractions in Taunton and Bridgwater as recommended by local Taunton and Bridgwater people in thebestof Taunton and Bridgwater's Days Out And Attractions directory.
Days Out And Attractions in Taunton and Bridgwater
Hestercombe Gardens
The beautiful gardens of Hestercombe have been the subject of a wonderful restoration programme and offers something for everyone in the family. Hestercombe Gardens is a great choice for days out and attractions in Taunton.
Gorgeous gardens - all year round. We love to walk the dogs and then enjoy a delicious lunch in the cosy Stables Restaurant or in the sunshine of the Courtyard. It's such a happy place with lots sorts going on to suit all interests. We go to the Autumn and Christmas markets every year and adore the atmosphere at both. This year we went to a friend's wedding at Hestercombe and it was truly magical!"
Somerset Armed Forces Day
Free, Funday, Fair, Stalls, Traders, Food, Drink, Arena shows, Military, Army, Navy, Royal Air Force, Attractions.
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