Swansea boulevard nowhere near finished yet
23rd September 2014
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It seems that the Swansea boulevard has still got a long way to go before the finish is in sight.

The council has revealed that a further £1 million will be spent on the project.

Apparently this will not come out of council (Swansea taxpayers) coffers but is additional money from a European fund established for the purpose of rejuvenating waterfront cities.

The council claim thaey are responding to local resident's wishes to make changes to th eoriginal scheme.

This is to include broader pavements safer crossings and trees and greenery.

I thought all this was in the original scheme but it seems not.

The crucial point is that the development has caused massive disruption to both motorists and local businesses for a very long time and this now looks like being extended.

the council claim that the additional work will be completed and the project officially signed off as finished in November.

Let's all hope so!

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