Travel Agents and Holiday Companies in Sutton Coldfield

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Travel Agents and Holiday Companies in Sutton Coldfield
Charlotte Mitchell - Travel Counsellor
Charlotte Mitchell - Travel Counsellor is based in Sutton Coldfield and is a experienced and trust-worthy travel agent. Whether you want to jet off to Barbados or a have a weekend in the City, Charlotte has many years of experience!
Tamara O said
If you thought that travel agents were a thing of the past in the age of the internet then think again! Charlotte Mitchell at Travel Counsellor is worth her weight in gold. She arranged all the travel for my 15 year old daughter to Milan, which in this Covid age and for an unaccompanied minor was more than a little complicated. Charlotte went above and beyond providing me with a comprehensive list of what forms and tests we needed. She even texted me on a Sunday evening to remind me to upload the Covid test form onto the BA website. The journey went off without a hitch. Charlotte removed all the anxiety for me. I will be recommending her to all my friends and colleagues. Thank you Charlotte!
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