Inside information
18th March 2010
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Recently I was in Zurich on business. I had been asked to give a presentation there by a lady called Vera. She had read an article written about me in the Asia Spa magazine. Vera was on holiday in Thailand and had read the article and emailed me wondering where she could find out more. We talked and it felt right for me to take a chance and create space & time for a workshop in Switzerland.

As Vera & I continued to email she introduced me to another lady Jena who is an experienced Hand Analyst. Never having had my hand analyzed, I was curious to find out more. After the presentation, which was received favourably by those who attended, I met with Jena the next day to discover the mysteries my hands held within them.

I discovered that the very thing I was currently "battling with" was part of my life lesson – boundaries! Jena talked clearly about how to set them and maintain them using hand analysis markers i.e. my fingerprints and sharing my personality strengths that were clearly there for the experienced eye to see.

What made it even more amazing was that we could cut to the chase and get some really powerful clarity on what to do, and how to change the patterns. 10 years therapy in one session!

With the combined tools of EFT (the Emotional Freedom Techniques), the session became even more powerful. I knew I could tap out (using EFT) the old patterns quickly now with the understanding of my life lessons shown in my hands, and then tap in or enhance my personality strengths to help me move forward and make positive changes. What a gift!

During my last trip to Asia in October '09 I noticed everywhere I went things were under construction. I had not known that even though your fingerprints don’t change, other markings on your hands do – this Jena shared during our discussion. And guess what .... showing up in my hands was that part of my life was actually also ‘under construction’! Mind-blowing. Amazing what the Universe had been loudly proclaiming during my travels now clearly displayed in my hands!

"When we're ready the pieces of our history-stories that were lost to us or never identified - rise to the surface of consciousness. Those pieces of our stories act as our "teachers", guiding and directing us to the truth."
Deborah King

There were so many synchronicities with not only what Jena was saying, but also around me. As we talked and Jena shared that part of my task in this life-time was to really map the territory of my current life challenges of boundaries and that part of my work was to share this with others, the church bells close by to where we were sitting began chiming. It made such an impact on me. Like the Universe was saying ‘wake up’ hear this... I knew that it certainly was ‘time for a change.’ Hearing this information now ‘loud and clear’ - I felt like it was ‘time to really get this’ and I was literally blown away with the timing. How much more synchronistic could it be?

Jena shared how I can go between being in the Light and spiraling down into the Dark (which I have done my whole life) depending on my thoughts, self-talk and what happens in my life. And she shared tools so I could change this pattern with awareness now, quite simply. I am still digesting the recording now I am at home, and will share more in future postings.

I have planned to go to Zurich in June (possibly July) & August to offer EFT Training there.

I am also hoping to host Jena in the UK/Wales this summer so do let me know if you are interested in finding out more about yourself at a very deep level. If you wish to contact her directly - go to Jena’s website

The type of hand analysis Jena offers is a brilliant compliment to EFT and tapping because you can get right down to the source and tap on core issues instead of dealing with the symptoms of these.

About the Author

Michelle H

Member since: 27th November 2009

Modern gypsy, Michelle travels the world teaching her love of the Emotional Freedom Techniques, Hypnosis & Neurolinguistic Programming. She is an enthusiastic & energetic keynote speaker &...

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