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The world is not waiting for you, or your brand identity, brand image, products, services, your company or its message. Without clear communication, you just blend in!
Love is in the Air!
Love is in the Air!
" Roses are Red, Violets are Blue, here at thebestof, We really love you! " No, seriously, we do. And we want to help you get all the love you need for your business - not just from us, but from all your customers as well.
Supporting Local Businesses
Supporting Local Businesses
Want to be able to share ideas, experiences and business with one another? If you're in need of a local plumber, dentist or printer - Where do you look? Take a look on to find out the businesses that are right on your doorstep!
New member joins the team at local hair and beauty salon
Following your Bliss
Following your Bliss
Stepping into new opportunities requires a move away from your comfort zone. Imagine if your success were guaranteed How would your life be different? What would you let go of? Read more to find out EFT, NLP and Hypnotherapy can help you..
A positive reframe for life
A positive reframe for life
Here's a little story to help you smile when things in your life seem almost too much to handle, when 24 hours in a day are not enough, remember the mayonnaise jar.....the golf balls and the beer!
Does fear stop you from trying something new? Do you stop yourself from attending training; changing a job that bores you; starting a business that you are passionate about or meeting someone new - because you lack confidence? Find out more...
Worry about house prices
Worry about house prices
Best advice is to get your property sold before the election as tax rises are likely to depress the housing market
predictions for 2010 suggest property prices will drop
Worry about tax increases' influence on property market
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