Tips on relieveing back pain in Pontypridd and Rhondda
25th May 2010
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Tips on relieveing back pain in Pontypridd and Rhondda.

Back pain is one of the leading reasons for work place absence and discomfort in Pontypridd and Rhondda.

We have all probably experienced back pain in one for or another though some of us, those few, suffer from back pain on a regular basis.

If you suffer from back pain here are some tips that the experts suggest:

1. Sleep on your side - pillows to support you neck and a pillow between your knees - this has been known to relieve pressure on the lower back muscles.

2. Try changing you sleeping surface - this can cost a little but our bodies react differently to a variety of surfaces, choosing one that suits you would be best.

3. Do you have to stand for long periods? if so, to relieve pressure on you back rest one of your feet on a low stool and rotate this every so often, or stand with your feet inline with your shoulders.

4. Wear flat shoes and low heels where possible. If you decide on wearing high heels make sure it's for short periods of time.

5. Back pain can be caused by moving our bodies in ways we do not usually, such as lifting heavy objects. Make sure you bend your knees when lifting and keep your back as straight as possible.

If you feel that you have tried many of the above and that you have also had medical attention, then why not consider alternative treatments such as Osteopathic treatment?

Pontypridd Osteopathic Clinic serving Pontypridd and Rhondda sate that:

"Back problems account for 50% of the cases osteopaths see. Trouble with your back does not simply give pain in the back. It can and often is the cause of more remote symptoms like pain in the buttocks, groin or legs (sciatica). This is often brought about by pressure from a spinal disc on specific nerve roots. Osteopathic treatment and active rehabilitation can be much more effective than the old fashion approach of pain killers and bed rest."

Pontypridd Osteopathic clinic have been recommended on The Best of Pontypridd by many customers in Pontypridd and Rhondda. Here are five top reasons to choose Pontypridd Osteopathic Clinic to relieve your bak pain:

  1. They have more than 25 testimonials from local customers
  2. New patients receive 20% OFF their first treatments (See OFFERS Page)
  3. Appointments are not always required.
  4. Treatments usually starts upon diagnosis.
  5. Parking, Bus Station and Train links are nearby.

If you live in Pontypridd or Rhondda and suffer from back pain then Call Pontypridd Osteopathic treatment on 01443 629299.


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