Getting Noticed Online – Why You Need To Get A Gravatar
22nd February 2013
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Do I know you from somewhere? Have I seen you before? These are questions I hope people are asking you because they've noticed your online presence … so when they meet you they feel like they know you! 

Hi everyone, I'm Emily West-Sadler or your Virtual Assistant Goddess! I help people like you online with tasks that improve your lives and businesses. Specifically I love raising your profile and brand by using social media and your website.  My job is to connect you to your ideal audience so you can get more customers and clients. 

 Are you getting noticed online?

If not then getting your gravatar set up may be the best first step you take to make a difference. 

It's as easy as entering your email address, choosing a username, password and uploading a photo – done in 4 clicks ... All you need is your photo or logo ready and the email address you use the most. And did I mention it’s free?! 

What is Gravitar?

Gravatar stands for Globally Recognized Avatar. It is globally recognized because millions of people and websites use them. Your Gravatar is an image that follows you from site to site appearing beside your name when you do things like comment or post on a blog or even when you join up as a member on the best of Peterborough!  Avatars help identify your posts on blogs and web forums …

So given that 395 people viewed the best of Peterborough website last week why not create a good first impression?!

Who Do You Trust? Why a Picture Makes a Difference!

First impressions count and on a website like best of Peterborough it pays to be seen. Would you rather see Andrew H or this box? 

best of peterborough with Andrew best of peterborough

I’m just curious would you trust a review from an anonymous person if you can't see their face? 

bestof gravatars


Isn’t it time we said Goodbye to Mystery People?

Why Should I add Gravatar?

If you want to be identified on the web, then you should use a gravatar. If you are a blogger, non-profit, small business, or anyone who wants to build a brand, then you need to start using gravatar. Chances are that you read and comment on blogs. At first your gravatar might not get as much attention. But if the same person sees your comment at numerous sites they read, they will probably end up visiting your website. We as publishers find it really easy to identify our loyal users by their gravatar.

In our opinion, gravatar makes your comment stand out.

How can I get a Gravatar?

It’s simple and it’s free. Simply go to Gravatar’s website. Signup with the email that you use the most often to comment. Add an avatar of yourself. This could be a picture of yourself, your company’s logo, or something unique. You really have to do it one time. Chances are you won’t be changing your avatar a lot. So it’s more like set it and forget it.

Hope to see new faces in the comments. If you have a gravatar, then make a comment below. So we can recognize you.

About the Author

Emily W

Member since: 19th February 2013

Emily West-Sadler is the Virtual Assistant Goddess. An online project manager for Social Media, Presenter and Connector, Emily assists individuals and small businesses to delegate away low priority yet...

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