I am now part of the Lowestoft Airshow Committee
1st April 2012
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After hearing Paul Bayfields presentation at our last get together at the Aspire Centre, I have offered my time to the Lowestoft Airshow committee.

You may wonder what I can offer to this event. The reason being, four years prior to becoming a Travel Counsellor, I worked at the Great Yarmouth Tourism Office as the resorts Events project Manager, and it was my job to run events in Great Yarmouth that would attract vistors to the resort, ie The Summer Fireworks, The Maritime Festival, The Bowls Festival, Volleyball Tournament, Scrum on the Beach and Master of the Sands. Prior to this job I had worked in a High Street travel agency and being a travel agent is what I had done since I left school at 16 years old.

While I was in my previous position I ran these events with the help of some amazing committee members, and it was always a pleasure to be part of creating events with the help of these committee groups.

I left to become a Travel Counsellors because travel is what I have always had the passion and knowledge about, and I only wanted to do this working from home, for myself under Travel Counsellors, as they are the best and this allows me to be the best I can be at a job I totally love.

When Paul Bayfield said they are always looking for volunteers that can bring something to this event, I thought with my contacts and knowledge gained in those four years would be of help, and it's also lovely for me to be part of a committee again.

I really enjoyed meeting everyone, they were all very welcoming and I look forward to hopefully helping.

If you would be interested in advertising in the Lowestoft Airshow guide this year, which will actually be given out to each paying entrant to the airshow and will be reaching a lot more people than normal, then please do contact me on 01502 572748.

About the Author

Donna B

Member since: 7th March 2012

Travel Counsellors are customer focused, award winning, travel agents, who are proud to completely exceed your expectations. Everything you book with Travel Counsellors is 100% financially protected.

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