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Help for Homebuyers?

02 September 2008 19:44

As your friendly neighbourhood maortgage adviser, I thought I would just try to explain in plain english, what the government have decided to do to help homebuyers.

1. The threshold for when you start to pay stamp duty will rise to £175,000 from tomo

Good news for re-mortgages

27 August 2008 12:04

For those of you looking to re-mortgage at the moment, the "good" news is that the rates are beginning to fall back slightly, and some better deals are about- please don't hesitate to ask for advice!

credit crunch

18 June 2008 10:38

Just a quick reminder, that anyone who is financially struggling at the moment, with rising costs of fuel and household bills, please take time out to check your income & outgoings on a monthly basis, if you are having problems talk to your debtors sooner

broken down cars

11 June 2008 16:32

In the last 24 hours, I have seen 3 vehicles break down in front of me, because they have run out of fuel! We may seriously have to think about car sharing if the cost of fuel is going to start littering the roads with abandoned vehicles!

football widow

09 June 2008 21:52

Is it just me or did the rest of the female population think we would actually escape night after night of football if England weren't through!

bewdley carnival

08 June 2008 10:09

Yesterday, my 3 boys went down to Bewdley Carnival, had a great time, but my youngest and very frugal 12 year old was very put out that he had to pay £2 to get in, then the rides were really expensive at £2.50 each, this soon ate in to his £10 that he had

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