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A personal rant about The Apprentice and it’s opposite #NiceBiz

I have just freaked myself out a little bit with the violence of my reaction to last night’s episode of The Apprentice. I’d never watched it before, but we had houseguests that wanted to watch the show, so we did.

Business: Don't freak out! 5 ways to beat your control freak perfectionism

Are you a control freak?

In marketing, being a control freak is good in some ways (you want to get the details right), but very destructive in others, as it can stop you from promoting yourself effectively – or even at all.

Business: Turn your email signature into a marketing machine

About 80% of small business owners use an email signature but only 5% of those people will use it as a marketing tool.

Just think of the additional reach that you could get by making it really work for you.

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