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Employers can be fined up to £1000 if employees watch live football on works computers.
The bargain...that wasn't. Discount e-voucher withdrawn from Asda website leaving shoppers unhappy.
People in Huddersfield urged to give blood during World Cup as stocks expected to fall.
From 1 October 2010 new National Minimum Wage rates come into effect.
A 30% increase in violence against partners is anticipated during the World Cup. Domestic violence also affects childen who witness it. Police in West Yorkhire will take a hard line and may use camcorders when arriving at the scene to later use in court.
Are the new Bus Lanes a 'waste of time' or will this be a benefit for road users and save time on journeys?
Top tips to make the most of sunshine at home or abroad - without getting sunburn.
West Yorkshire Police issue drink driving message to deter people from getting behind the wheel after drinking during the World Cup.
How is crime affecting our region? Check out the West Yorkshire Police crime reports for the month of April 2010 for the West Yorkshire area.
The i10 Scheme challenges young people to come up with new and different ways of addressing issues such as anti-social behaviour, gang problems etc.
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