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Losing weight in Guildford - How often should I exercise for fat loss?

People often ask me how many times a week they should exercise if they want to lose fat. A study conducted by Buck et al (2009)* looked at the effects of exercise frequency using a subject group of 90 subjects ranging in age from 22 to 74.

Struggling for Christmas Gift Ideas in Guildford? How about our body in a box|?

If you're struggling to find a great present for friends or family then why not treat them to our awesome 'New Body In a Box'?! ... box includes a month's All Access Membership at Phoenix Pro Fitness and an exclusive Phoenix Pro Fitness t-shirt.

Dieting and exercise in Guildford ....Was It Worth It?

You've probably found yourself asking this question after a diet or exercise pursuit. Maybe you tried a new training program, or maybe you stuck to a diet for a couple of months. Perhaps it didn't work.

What then?

Was it worth it?

Do You Suffer Fat Loss ADD - Charlotte Ord, Guildford

In our world of instant gratification, it's not surprising that more and more people are falling foul of training ADD.

4 Reasons You're Not Losing Weight - Charlotte Ord, Guildford

I often get asked to look over people's programs and help them understand where they're going wrong/ have hit a plateau. From my observations, there are 4 main reasons people don't lose weight.

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