Can you afford to leave your premises un-protected?
27th July 2010
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The Round-the-Clock Protection


Since the turn of the Century, Glevum's commitment to their clients in Gloucestershire and the surrounding counties has resulted in delivering effective solutions which help keep people and property safe. Responsibility, continuous development and total care have always been the foundations of their working practice. Recognised as a highly respected and Qualified Security Practitioner, Glevum Security Guarentees Quality and Satisfaction.


When you leave your premises, it's good to know that an alarm system is protecting you. However, when it activates, relying on staff to hold keys and respond to incidents exposes them to risks. What's more, false activtions can cause unnecessary out-of-hours travelling and waiting for engineers. With Glevum Security acting as your nominated Keyholders, you  can be sure of a professional response to any incident.


In the event of alarm activation, as designated Keyholders, we assume this responsibility on your behalf. A Response Officer will promtly attend your premises in your absence and deal with all alarm issues, taking the necessary steps required to re-secure your premises. In the event of a break-in or criminal damage we will liase with the Police and provide you with a report for your insurance purposes, keeping you  up-to-date at all times. Keys and information are stored securely and safely in accordance with BS7984.


In line with ACPO guidelines, as a property keyholder, you must be able to attend your premises within a 20 minute period and resolve any alarm issues. If you fail to do this on more than three occasions, the Police will withdraw their response from your premises, and your alarm could be considered a nuisence!


In addition to protecting your premises, you must protect yourself! Did you know in the event that your nominated keyholder is not a qulified Security Practitioner, with the necessary polices, proceedures full risk assessment criteria and insurances in place, you may be held culpable under the "Corparate Manslaughter and Corporate Homiside ACT 2007" under the Health & Safety statute with particular regard to "Duty of Care". 

We take care of  your assets when you cannot.

Our Keyholding and Alarm Response service provides the peace-of-mind of knowing that our Security Officers will handle any incident, from break-ins and vandelism to fire, floods and false alarms. We will liase with emergency services, arrange further call outs and provide a report of the incident the next day. In addition, even if a member of staff holds your key, we can escort them when responding to an alarm.


Glevum Control Centre also operates a Remote Image Recieving Centre (CCTV-IRC) which will monitor your camera images when triggered by an alarm/event. Our highly trainned operators respond by following escalation processes, depending on what is observed; which may include dispatching a Mobile Patrol to investigate further, contacting the emergency services & dispatching keyholders to assist or briefing you on the occurence.


Whatever the event, a written report of the incident will be waiting for you the next working day.


Contact Glevum Security on 01452 729713 or e mail

Check out their website


About the Author

Clive & Carol H

Member since: 10th July 2012

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