Forever Young
1st February 2012
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Forever young?  Whether we consider ourselves to be of the current Jay-Z generation, more in tune with 80's Alphaville or we relate more to Bob Dylan in the 70's, we have all at one time or other been singing along to Forever Young.  Do we really all want to be forever young?  With the number of beauty salons offering state of the art treatments and even some clinics offering Botox, it seems that in Dunfermline, Fife we all want a little bit of "forever young".  

While I'm all for this, only yesterday had my roots touched up at the fabulous Hope Hairdressing in Dunfermline, I'm not ready to join the blue rinse brigade yet, it did have me wondering, what age do we let it all go?  Is it even an option anymore?  Don't know about you but my Granny was a traditional Granny, she was like Supergran (in looks anyway), just like Supergran she was a "serious Granny".  She wore zip up sheepskin boots, support tights, a sensible tweed skirt, a proper housecoat, this was not a dressing gown but a tabard type garment, in a practical wipeable fabric with deep pockets that contained hidden delights, normally liquorice allsorts, of the sort that made my Mum recoil in horror as to how long they had been lurking in there.  I very much doubt my Granny was a slave to any beauty regime, she had a well scrubbed healthy glow about her, no need for cosmetic dentistry as her teeth could take on a life of their own and no doubt spent their nighttime slumber in a glass at the side of the bed, her hair was always neat with a traditional old lady perm and not a hint of dye in sight.  My lovely Granny's been gone a few years now and there's not many of her ilk left.  

I'm not sure what the future holds for my generation, will we nip, tuck and Botox our way through old age?  While sporting beautiful nails and vibrant, youthful hair?  Or will there be an all out rebellion and a return of the Granny?  Only time will tell, all I know is that if any of us turn out like the lady whose photo is doing the rounds on facebook then it's all gone too far.  I will try and attach the photo, those of a nervous disposition should perhaps look away.  

About the Author

Sarah N

Member since: 15th May 2012

I am married with two boys and three dogs. I enjoy going the gym to get away from them all. I am a Legal Secretary by trade and the co owner of Ask Girl Friday (PA, VA, Secretary for Hire).

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