Mark'S Profile
Member since: 28th January 2009
Last login: 4th May 2018
Hometown: Farnham
Mark Russell played amateur and professional rugby for Harlequins and Blackheath RFC in 1990s. He worked for a number of years as an executive in the City and at Dell Computers in Bracknell before finally quitting to go to business school and then to start his own enterprise. Mark founded Real Business Edge and aims to provide clients with executive development that connects success strategies in elite sports to performance in the boardroom and workplace. Programmes included Executive 1-2-1 Performance Coaching, Emotional Intelligence and Strengths Assessments, Inspired Managers Group Coaching and facilitated Mastermind Circles. Outside of work, Mark is married with two children and his hobbies include coaching schools rugby, keeping tropical fish and playing golf (often badly!).