ECHO Mobile Exhibition on Ewell Court House!
27th March 2014
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Ewell Court House - Mobile Exhibition 

Do you have an event coming up?


Ewell Court House is a beautiful building and an asset to the borough as a venue for a library and private and public events. We would all like to see it restored. 

Three months is really not a long time in which to complete a restoration..Are you making a connection between the fact that it is not finished and the fact that people have found alternative venues for their activities? Needs must does not indicate preference! Do you feel the pressure of public opinion needs to be brought to bear?

During the rebuilding of Ewell Court House the local community group 'Ewell Court House Organisation' (ECHO) are keen to maintain public interest and to promote the eventual re-use of the House by the community. To this end ECHO will be manning their mobile exhibition which has photos of the fire and repair work, a banner display and PowerPoint presentation at various venues and events in the area.

If anyone knows of suitable events etc over the next 18 months where ECHO could bring their display please contact Don Scott, Chairman of ECHO on 020 8394 0494.

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