Olympics on the way - will your staff want extra time off?
8th June 2012
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With the Jubilee just over, and despite some of the days being national holidays, some of your staff may be down on their holiday allowance – and there is still the Olympics to come.

Some may be lucky and have tickets for the events, others may want to partake in community celebrations. 

Nobody wants to ‘spoil the fun’ but you still have a business to run.

Lots of things to consider:

          Holiday requests

          Flexible working

          Unauthorised absence 

And what about social media – lots of twittering to get results or ‘watching’ events live.

TWM Solicitors are experts in employment law. They also appreciate that this is a very special year for the whole country and have an article An employer’s guide to the Olympic Games which can give you very helpful tips.

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